Ji Ga Zo Puzzle Review

The new revolution in puzzles is now here. With Ji Ga Zo Puzzle you are able to take your face and apply it to a puzzle. But this is not an ordinary puzzle. You are actually building the puzzle from scratch. What you do is you get a CD that you load onto your computer and you upload a picture of your choice. Now this part to me is tricking because you have to choose a picture that would turn out. You don't want anything with to much going on. The picture I used was a simple head shot of my daughter. I couldn't get any other picture to turn out just right.

Now after you get your picture uploaded you simple print out a key that has different shapes and symbols on it. From there you match the shaded interlocking pieces to build your custom puzzle. The puzzle is very time consuming. I loved the idea of it, but it was harder to keep my kids attention with it. The age is from 8 and up, but I think it may be suitable for a higher age group. While making the puzzle it did come to mind, that thus would make an awesome present for someone once finished.

I was sent these products by a PR firm for review purposes. I was not paid to do this review, nor does it alter my view on the product. As always, my reviews are with my honest thoughts and opinions. If you have any questions about this review please contactNicole@worldformoms.com


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