Blog Award!

I love to start the New Year off on a positive note, and with that I received my first blog award of the year! Thanks so much to 1Ne PRouD MaMa over at From High Heels to Sneakers! One of the best feelings is for someone to notice you, so this award means a lot, and I love that I get to pass it along!!

How It Works:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

Seven Things about ME!
1.       I hate to drink after people
2.     I’m scared to death of clowns, balloons, and whales
3.     I love spring and fall
4.      I’m a very loving and caring person. I’m always willing to give the shirt off my back to anyone!
5.      I love to listen. If you every need a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to I’m here!
6.     My second toe is bigger than the rest of them.. lol
7.      I’m big on being able to learn from my mistakes and well as others!
So that is a little bit about me, I hope you enjoyed that. Here are some awesome blogs that I’m new to following and thing they deserve such an honor as this award! Be sure to check them out and follow them as well!

My nominations are:


  1. Thanks for following Nicole and THANK YOU so much for the nomination...What an awesome way to end my evening.
    Take care,
    Tracy @

  2. Nicole,

    THANK YOU so much! That made my night!! I just went and liked EACH of the blogs on the list found some great ones!

    Off to post mine now :)

    Sharlene @

  3. Thanks for the award Nicole. I appreciate it and I hope you had a Happy New Year.

  4. Thank you so much Nicole for the nomination, that is so sweet of you.

  5. thank you nikky for the tag! :) sweet of you! i will work on this one later! :) woo! <3

  6. Congrats!

    Found you on BloggyMoms and now following from

    We list all of the baby daily deals in real-time. Would love for you to stop by!

  7. Such a great blog, happy to follow. Please check us out as well, if you like us then hope you can follow :) Have a great Sunday!


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